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We Need Your Support

Your financial gift can make a huge difference in someone’s life!

We’re raising money for CDRC and your contribution may be tax deductible and will make an impact, whether you donate $10 or $1000. Every little bit helps. We rely on your support to carry out our mission. Your contributions helps us to provide more services.  We would like to add a peer advocate or recovery coach, provide more equipment such as a projector for workshops and seminars, and purchase additional tables and chairs. This is just the beginning of everything we would like to accomplish. To reach for the stars and offer all the services and activities we can, your help is needed. Help us give hope to the people reaching out for help and the people using the center. Thank you for your support. Together we can help change the lives of those who have suffered from the ravages of addiction.

You may also mail a check to:

Capital District Recovery Center
45 Colvin Ave,
Albany, NY 12206


Thank you for your desire to help those in need through your contribution!

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