To All who previously used CDRC as a place for your meeting and haven’t returned yet due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve missed you! As I have spoken to many of you, we, at CDRC, understand and respect the reluctance and special circumstances that have kept you from re-starting in person meetings.
As we are getting closer to the approval of several promising vaccines, I thought I would let you know that we are taking requests for meeting spaces to help you secure the time and date you will meet in the future. We will happily hold that space for a nominal monthly fee until you and your fellowship determine the appropriate time to return.
We have made health and safety our top priority for all those who utilize our meeting space. We have instituted the NY Forward Safety Plan, Disinfecting & Cleaning, Social Distancing, Masking, Screening, Tracking and Traffic Flow protocols required by the State of New York a part of our daily operation. Many meetings have already begun to meet in person, as their Group Conscious has led them. In that time, we have operated safely and without incident.
To those of you who are looking for a new meeting place or have been displaced due to the pandemic, we would love to hear from you and secure a meeting space for you as well!
Friends, there is “A Light at The End of The Tunnel” for CDRC and all of us. Our mission at CDRC is fueled and filled with Hope. You will see it too and know that we will be waiting for you at the other end!
Warm Regards,
Mark Kaplan
President, CDRC